PPC is the separate part of SEO where business can grow in the fast manner with just only single click on your site. But the imperfect management of PPC gives you loss in your business. So here are some steps to secure your money and put into only in your business profit- 1. Plan – Before giving a boost to your business a perfect planning is always compulsory. Always take most searchable keyword according to your business profile; this makes simple your business growth. 2. Competitive Research – Also search the whole market and competitors that which are most common keyword in them user search most on Google. So discovering best keyword for business along planning is the first step of PPC. 3. Develop – To get the quality score on website & maximum visitor in the positive response is the wish of every business, so that put the inner matter for PPC content should be attractive. 4. Target – Here is the system of deduction of money in each click by the user, so here is target segment for PPC makes your planning perfect. 5. BID – For getting the attention from the market bidding call is new concept of PPC. In this format according to your keyword quality search engine is charge from you. 6. Design – Everyone know that this is the shortest path of landing by the visitor on your site, so along the exact information about your company service, attractive graphic image and from filling option make profitable part for your business. 7. Launch – In present time ad word also provide the facility of up & down of your bid price for respectively keyword. It makes your path convenient as you want. 8. Analyze – Every business depend upon the ROI, so if you think that you position goes down or up, for that Google show the analyze format for both online & offline tracking mode. So with these transparent systems of Google you can keep your budget in check.