9 SEO Techniques that Destroys your Google Ranking

Fri 10 May 2019


4:11 pm

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There are very fewer people who know that some of the SEO techniques hurt Google Ranking. Do you know that what is Black Hat SEO? If you don’t know that this post is much helpful for you to make you understand the SEO techniques that hurt or destroy your Google Ranking. While the purpose of using SEO is about the optimizing the website for the search engines but the bad SEO or the wrong techniques can generate the opposite results. The techniques which are hurting your Google rankings and, the most important thing that what you should have to do to avoid this kind of techniques. But first, know that what is Black Hat SEO?

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO

When we are talking about the SEO and its techniques then we will take an example of the Google webmaster guidelines. So, there are some of the SEO practices which are considered to be unethical and outdated. These are termed as the “Black Hat SEO”. SEO all depends on how you optimize your website for the search engines. On the bad SEO is something that generates the opposite results. Each and everyone has the right to follow the best SEO practices to optimize their website.

There are many SEO practices whether you are using the meta tag for the descriptions or using the sitemaps for helping Google Crawl through the websites. Everyone is free to use different SEO practices. When we move towards the advanced SEO practices there are several techniques that will surely affect the ranking of your website. For the reason, the SEO tactics are often detected by Google’s Panda and Penguin search algorithms.

But this is the big question that how you will come to know that which is a good technique and which one is the bad technique for you. So well here we are providing the 9 worst SEO techniques that destroy your Google Ranking.

Techniques that Hurts your Google Ranking



Which SEO techniques are responsible for your website to go down on Google Ranking?

  1. Buying Backlinks

buying backlinks

Nowadays there are several websites or we can say thousands of the sites that will convince you to pay for the genuine backlinks. Let’s take an example of Fiverr. It is one of the websites that provides hundreds of backlinks to your website. By paying a nominal amount of $ 5.

But the most important question is what sites are liked to your website? According to Google getting trusted links to your website is a white hat SEO and it is good for your website. If you are paying for the backlinks then Google can de-index your site from the search results. So find the best way for backlinks prospects. Are you also want to rank your website high on the Google search results then avoid paying for the links.

  1. Duplicate and Irrelevant Content



This is the most important thing that the content should be SEO friendly. If you want to drive traffic to your website then content plays a very important role in it. Try to write unique and informative content. As well as avoid publishing duplicate content on your website.

Keep this thing in mind that whenever you are creating content for your website, you should make sure that it is relevant according to your business.

Let’s take an example: If you are into the real estate business, then you don’t have the need to talk about the issues that are aced during the time of the traveling on your site. These types of content are considered to be irrelevant. Due to these kinds of stuff, Google gets confused and may not rank your website.

If your content is unique and relevant to your business then the search engines identify and as well as list your website.

The main thing on which Google focuses is the user experience. Hence if any of the sites prove it then Google may even reward your site. Whenever you are writing the content keep the needs of the customer in your mind. At that time think about every aspect that what your customer wants from you and then create useful stuff for your readers.

Another important thing is that when it comes to the content is originality. If you have to add some of the duplicate content on your site that is useful for all the readers, then you should no index those pages. That will help they won’t have any negative impact on your SEO.

  1. Stuffing Content with Keywords

Stuffing Content with Keywords

A most common mistake that is seen in thousands of the website that SEO masters and the webmasters do while making the site SEO friendly. We all know that Keywords are the most important part of SEO. But if you are repeating the same keywords again and again in the text then it is the bad SEO practice that you have done. It doesn’t matter that it fit well in the sentence. Therefore it is better to use keywords in the limited volume.

When we add too much keyword in the content then it is considered to be the keyword stuffing. It will discourage the users but it is the thing that will convey that you are trying to manipulate their algorithms. Hence your website is about any particular topic or niche then it is absolutely as much information about it.

If you want to mention the keywords then mention it only in the title, meta description, opening paragraph, subheadings, and the last paragraph.

  1. Cloaking


It is the most known or the widely known black hat technique of the SEO that deceives the search engine by showing the different content to Google. Cloaking takes the website users to a different webpage after a click on the search engine link. The Google penalizes such types of websites which not only hurts the Google ranking, its result in banning from the search engine completely.

If you are using these types of the technique then it is a very bad practice. You must keep one of the version of the page for the users as well as for the search engine crawlers. Consider making sure that a user is able to make a difference between the ads and the web content.  Else you will be slapped with a penalty.

  1. Excess Optimization

Excess Optimization

SEO is the only best way that helps to increase your search engine ranking. It provides a user- friendly experience. If you are over optimizing your website then you are hurting the rank of your website. Hence SEO is the practice of creating too many SEO improvements that begin to ruin the ability of the website to rank.

Whether you are stuffing your website with tons of the keywords or you are linking a lot of deep internal pages, excess optimization it can always hurt your Google ranking. To reduce the excess optimization, try to use the limited number of the H1s on your page. Try to avoid the toxic sites, instead focus on the linking to healthy sites to your niche. Create a site with perfect technical SEO.

  1. Too many Ads

too many adss

No one considers how ads can impact the search visibility of your website. Therefore too many ads can be the bad thing for the users as well as search engines. Therefore putting more ads on the site to make more money seems to be a prevailing thought. For the reason, the mindset is misguided and is no longer a sustainable strategy.

On the other hand, Google hates the ads. So, it just wants you to integrate ads without turning off the users. The websites which are successfully rewarded with the top ranking are providing the users with the answers they are seeking. It is the main aspect that Google make sure about.

Each and every ad becomes the potential obstacle for the spiders that are trying to crawl across your site. The pages having with the more advertisements Google will now take a negative view of the pages with more advertisements. It means potential devaluations for the pages that contain more number of ads compared to content.

  1. A lot of external links

A lot of external links

There is no doubt in that the high number of the outbound links drains off your Google Ranking. It provides the power to the site you are linking to. But keep in mind that, do not link your website to the banned sites because it will harm your website.

If you are linking your site to the low quality of the site then Google will consider your site as a dubious site. This is the most known topic of SEO that how many links are considered to be too many links. Therefore the number of outbound links is roughly defined as more than 100 hyperlinks on any given web page.

  1. Article Directories

Article Directories

One of the very important SEO techniques is article marketing. The aim of the article marketing is to write an informative article about the topic and submit it to the online article directories. There are several companies who think that they can outsmart Google by submitting hundreds of the article in the multiple directories. If you are using that article for SEO then it can hurt Google Ranking of your Website.

Another thing is that the article directories are themselves repositories of the bad content. However, your article is full of information and is unique then it will be placed in a website where good quality if the content is a necessary exception. For the reason, the search engines like Google tend to have a very bad opinion of the article directories. Instead of submitting blogs to the article directories you can start by writing your own blog.

It can be more beneficial for you. As long you will update it regularly it will be effective for you only. As well as you can also work as a guest blogger. When you will become a guest blogger on another website it will give you the possibility to gain the high quality of the backlinks to your website in the short span of time.

  1. Ignoring the Google Webmaster Tools

Ignoring the Google Webmaster Tools

Now the webmasters are taking a closer look at their backlink profile. It was done after the recent updates of the Google algorithm. For the reason there are many people make the mistake of ignoring Google webmaster tools which can easily hurt the Google rank to their website. Instead, the Google webmaster tools are meant to provide data and to configuration control for your site in Google.

Hence with the help of Google webmaster tools, you can do the tons of the things. On the other aspect, it takes some time to get a return on the time you spend with it. If you are one of them who have not set up Google search console then try to do it today. The Google webmaster tools are easy to set up and it is very easy to use. From,  where you will set up the Google webmaster tools?

So, the answer is here you only need to do is that just click on the www. google.com/ webmaster/ tools after it sign it with your Google account. Then click on add of a site and after that verify it & then you are done. It will be very helpful for you thus it will be notified about each and every important issue related to your site. As well as it will help to monitor your performance and make necessary changes based on your feedback.

Now wrapping it up!

Now wrapping it up!

Above all are some of the SEO techniques that can hurt Google Ranking of your website. Hence there are many other SEO techniques that can hurt Google ranking of your website. We all know that SEO is the long term strategy and you should consider all the factors that affect your ranking on the search engines. As well as you can contact a web development company to consult about the issues that you are facing with your website.

There are most of the techniques which are banned from the search engine. For the reason, if you are using any of the above mention technique then Google will start treating your site as spam and it will remove from the list of the search results. So, choose the right and appropriate techniques that will help you to rank high on Google Ranking.

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