How to Write and Send the Perfect Marketing Email

Thu 7 Mar 2019


2:58 pm

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How to Write and Send the Perfect Marketing Email

It is necessary to talk about why you will use the email marketing platform over other digital channels. We all know that search engine optimization and social media optimization is one of the perfect platforms to capture and attract new customers towards your business enterprise. Therefore email is also the best thing that is the direct form as well as it allows you to directly reach to the customers that are interested in your brands and the business.



Why you will write Marketing Email?

Why you will write marketing email

It doesn’t matter that they give you email through a contact form or in the form of the newsletter signup or it also can happen that they have purchased from you earlier. The plus point is that the person who is in your email list knows that what is your brand and who you are. With the help of the email marketing, you can convert them to your one of the loyal customer.

Before writing a marketing email it is important to understand why and what is your purpose to write send the marketing email. First thing is that it is the best way to connect with your subscribers. With the thoughtful message and with the solid way you can write your email. If you are sending an email to your current clients then mention the services that are provided by your business. Whereas you are sending the email to your old clients then it is not necessary to use your services just message to them. The most important fact is that it is important to realize as you are the consumers that by which purpose we are sending the email.

Customize your Email Communication

Customize your Email Communication

With the help of the available information, you can make segments. By income, previous interaction, location, gender, educational level, then you can make the email with it that what the segments the users fall into.

According to a report, it shows there are 52% of the consumers are likely to switch the brands if a company doesn’t personalize communication. With the help of the personalized emails 11% of the higher open rate as well as the 27% higher unique click rates. If you do not have any information about the customer then putting the user name in the subject will also help to get the better results.

How to Write the Compelling Subject Line?

How to Write the Compelling Subject Line

Content is the real king. In the email content is the important thing. But the most important thing before the email is that the compelling subject line. When the compelling subject line is catchy then the people attract towards that content and open it. Above in the content, it was mentioned that when writing the email including the user name in the subject will help your open rates. There are many ways by which you can makes a spark in your subject line and you can increase the open rate and click-through rates by the below-mentioned factors:


Start your email by questions rather than making a statement. This is the best option and it attracts the user towards email and he or she will open with having the curiosity. So start by asking the question like “are you looking for a solution?” This will prompt them to open the email.

Use of the Numbers

In the heading, you can use the numbers and the list like “3 simple ways” “10 things to consider” and many more. This is the trick that catches the people’s attention towards your email.

Use of the Emoji

Nowadays people are mostly living in the visual world they like to use emoji in the chats. Here we are talking about the marketing email. Use an emoji in your subject line it will also get you the better results.

What are the best ways for composing an Email?

What are the best ways for composing an Email

Below mention is some of the practices to consider before writing an email.  Hence putting together your email template will get you the best results.

Images– Images are the best way to explain your purpose to send the email. Try to communicate through images and try to limit it to the 3 images to not overwhelm the users. As well as make all the images clickable.

Copy– When we talk about the text or we come on the text then the best thing is that the less is the more. Do not fill your content with the irrelevant sources. Try to focus on the relevant content. Write the emails with the 20 lines of the text. According to a study it was recorded that the text with the 20 lines has the highest click-through rate.

Call-to-action: Therefore use buttons to create obvious calls to action and limit it to 3 or less. Keep key calls-to-action above the scroll line.

What are Email Marketing Factors?

What are the Email Marketing Factors

There are three email marketing factors that should be considered before writing the email. They are-

  • Relevancy
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Timeliness

Email marketing is also helping to grow your business. If you want to ask any question that how you can utilize email marketing to grow your business, then you can take help of the web designing company in Jaipur. They are providing the best services to their clients that help to maximize the growth of the business with the help of email marketing.

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