What is Google Panda 4.2 update and How to Recover From Its Effect?

Mon 19 Oct 2015


4:55 pm

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A few week back Google began rolling out the latest update to their Search Engine Algorithm called Panda.  Google has become very mysterious about an update to its Algorithms. And this mysterious can make a huge effect on companies’ website search ranking and returns also.  Google employees initially said that this update was just a data refresh.

Google Panda is one of the most controversial Algorithm updates. Last time Google panda was updated almost 1 year ago and it was panda 4.1 on September 25, 2015, and it was the 28th update of Google panda. I think now Google Panda 4.2 is 29th or 30th update because in between this time period of 4.1 to 4.2 two big changes have already happened this year the first one was “Mobilegeddon,” and the another one was “Phantom Update” or the “Quality Update,” panda 4.2 was first implemented in July 18, and rollout is expected to take effect over a few month.

Pierre Far said that much high Quality small and medium sized sites are ranking higher after this update and which is good news for the smaller sites owners that tend to struggle to get ranking against largest sites.

“Based on user (and webmaster) feedback, we’ve been able to discover a few more signals to help Panda identify low-quality content more precisely. This results in a greater diversity of high-quality small- and medium-sized sites ranking higher, which is nice”

          Pierre Far

Panda has always meant to promote Quality content along with that it helped a lot to remove low-quality websites from search engine and overall it improved the quality of search result. Many of website lost their search engine ranking due to panda penalty.

The reason behind panda penalty

1. Website with low-Quality content

2. Website with useless pages

3. Website with improper SEO structure

4. Website having replica and copied content

5. Using of poor grammar

6. Slow loading time

If you are the one who lost their search engine ranking just cause of panda. Then here I am sharing some important tips by using which you can make your website in a safe zone.

Key point to save your website from panda penalty

1. Remove all broken link from your website

2. Remove data from search engine snippets

3. Remove extra and unnecessary pages or error added page like 404 errors etc

4. DO Social media promotion after keyword optimization

5. Remove replica content

6. Use correct grammar and Accurate English for content

7. Content writer should maintain Quality rather than Quantity

These are few point by this keeping in mind you can make safe your website from Google Panda Algorithm.

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