Twitter Overtakes LinkedIn and become a no.1 Social network Site

Fri 31 Jul 2015


11:03 am

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Twitter Overtakes LinkedIn and become a no.1 Social network Site

In today’s time the whole market is based on network and mainly on Social Network if you Ask anyone in business to name the most important social network for sales, without any doubt you will always hear LinkedIn, and yes there is no doubt in this but now a days this frame of mind is totally changed now twitter beats LinkedIn by a little figures of users.

LinkedIn, with its 364 million Users and Twitter with its 302 million Active Users both are competing to each other to get more occupied users.

The main reason behind this approach is:-

1) Twitter has become more valuable when we see it with the glance of salesperson.

2) And the other reason was that it’s easy to use, quick and provide and huge and trustful or we can say worth full information to the users.

“The consequence of this is that Twitter is easier to use and search for information than LinkedIn, is the #HASHTAG is a potent and easy way to find out what people are talking about.  You can also directly follow people on Twitter without seeking their permission.

In LinkedIn it such a conventional way, if I want to pay attention or want to hear what people are saying and keep up to date with them then I have to be connected to them and that means I have to send them a request if they want then they can allow me otherwise they can deny my request Twitter doesn’t allow that option so I can follow whoever I want to follow.


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