Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

Fri 1 Jan 2016


6:05 pm

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Blogging is become a trend for people nowadays, every online user wants to do this because of its immense benefits. Earlier days Blogging was not that many popular people just use for sharing their thoughts and views online but now day’s blogging has become a tool to make money online and to promote business and product online. A cause of the reason day by day people is moving towards the blogging world.

Many of peoples like hundreds or thousands of blogs are being created every day either by the experience or by newbie’s. But do you ever notice that how many of getting successful to make their career in blogging felid? And the answer is few because Blogging seems to be very easy but it’s not that much easy as much what we see. People make lots of mistakes and cause of which they get failed to achieve the goal for what they are entered in this felid and that’s why they leave the field.

So here we are sharing few of mistakes that most of the people DO but they have no realize but these common mistakes are enough to spoil the blogging career of anyone.

1.    Duplicate Content

I heard lots of time what person says that “content is a king of website” and yes somewhere it is true also. Because content is the thing for which people visit your site and if you serve them irrelevant content which is not worthy then why they will again visit your website.  And another thing about Content is Don’t copy content from other sites because if you are doing this then you are inviting Google to penalize your blog or content as Google’s Panda Algorithm is intended to penalize the website with the copies content or blog.

2.    Absence of continuation

Consistency or continuation is a success mantra for everything does not matter its business r in a personal life. Lack of consistency can affect a phase in the worst way. Many of blogs are created and published every day. So in such situation if you break you continuously then it will surely effect to your blogging path because blogging is a career where juts 1 min is enough for people to pull back you.

3.    Using of English Language    

Many of blog writers have very good knowledge of English language cause of which they write a blog in very high level and they have thought that reader will get impressed with their content or blog but No, if you are among of those writers who have the same thinking then you are wrong. Because people like to read friendly content and when they found very high-level English and uncommon words then they have to find the meaning of the words to understand your content. And this all provoke them to make far from your website.

4.    SEO is Must

As I was considered that “Content is a king” So as the same hand “SEO is a Queen of Website” without Queen Kind is nothing. I am not saying Queen is powered enough to save the Kingdom but Yes, Queen Have more share in Kingdom and she is the one who can save the Kingdom. So Do the SEO is the proper manner by which your kingdom (website) gets to win.

5. Not Doing Proofreading

Many of blogger just write the content and read their content just for once and publish it. But it’s not a right way to archive success if you want to make your blogger effective then after writing your content read it at least for 3-4 times and check then grammar mistake and spelling mistake some time it happens that writers do silly mistake likes too-to, From-Form, our-or etc. as a writer I also had done this kind of mistakes many of the times, because of that still I read my content 3-4 time before publish.


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