Some New Hidden and Interesting Features of Window 10

Mon 7 Sep 2015


3:58 pm

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Some New Hidden and Interesting Features of Window 10

Now the Window 10 is out and millions of peoples are using or running this. But still peoples are not aware with their features because there is lots of features are hidden in window 10 which are very interesting to know. Window 10 is come up with New Features which are covered up the all ambiguities of last versions of windows.

Do you wants to know the new hidden features of window 10 then just come with us and check it out…….



  1. Adjustable start menu: – Microsoft provided the new and interesting Feature of movable and adjustable start menu option. Some people are having problem with the tiny size of start menu sign so for that peoples now you can adjust the start menu according to your convenience.
  1. Spoken reminders:- if you are using siri in iphone then you can easily get friendly with this option of window where cortana is able to recognize your voice and set up the reminders according to your need
  2. Searches conveniently: – now the searches are bar are embedded in the start screen. The best part is that when you click on search button you have two options in front of you one for my stuff and one for web. You can search according to your convince
  3. Web/desktop in tool bar:- you can make your web address bar and desktop links in your tool bar from where you can access your links and addresses easily
  4. Which app is heavy? : – Now you can easily check that which apps is consuming how much memory of the in new style just same like our smatphones.  By using this you can quickly decide which ones get the heave- ho.
  5. Solitaries daily challenges:- solitaries is one the best time pass for the peoples who got bored with their office work, just of 5 minutes games changes the mood and you can again back to your work with fresh mood. So features is that solitaries now come up with the daily challenge fat6ures now you will get the daily challenges and for completing this challenge you get the extra points.

So guys these are the new interesting and hidden features of window 10 we hope this topic will  helpful and interesting for you.

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