Super Effective Tips to Prevent Your WordPress Blog from Being Hacked

Thu 10 Mar 2016


6:22 pm

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Spending many of years on blogs and suddenly someone hacked all the blog is same as a nightmare.  Getting Blog hacked is an Unfortunate Reality that many of people actually go through and it really gives a big shock to the person. A Research shows that more than 30.000 websites hacked each day. So if you are one who is running your WordPress blog site then it’s your own responsibility that you should give high security to your blogs.



If you are Newbie in this field then don’t worry, today’s blog will help you to learn all about the Security tips for your blog.

1.            Enable Two-way verification

Two-way verification is one of the most the reliable and preferable techniques for security purpose of all kind of online accounts.

WordPress don’t have its own inbuilt Two-way verification option, so for doing that you can install following given plugin

  • Clef
  • Authy
  • Rublon
  • Google Authenticator

2.            Set Limits for Logins Based on Number attempts

Hackers mostly use Bruteforce attack technique for hacking the website, it’s a technique where hackers use the combination of username and password and by doing this they try several attempts until they get success.

Install Jetpack Protect Module plugin for protecting your website.

3.            Change Host

Your hosting site plays a vital role in the security of your website, 41% of the sites are hacked cause of security vulnerability on the hosting site or platform.

SO cause of that you should go with a reliable and genuine web host.

4.            Hide WordPress Version Number

The version number is open the door for the hackers to hack the account. So for security purpose you should hide your WordPress version number, to do to simply add the following code to your function code to your Function.php file

add_filter( ‘the_genrator’, ‘_return_null’  );

5.            Get Backup on regular basis

The best way to provide security to you website is to keep a habit of making a backup of your website on the regular basis because if you have a backup then instead of frustration or fed up you can easily restore the things without delay.




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